Skibike manufacturers and similar equipment


Skibike manufacturers

Hillstrike                                             /SLOVENIA

TNGNT                                              /USA    

KOSKI Skibikes                                / USA, CALIFORNIA 

Lenz Sport                                        / USA, COLORADO

Sledgehammer Skibikes              / AUSTRIA - 10% Discount for EUSA members!

SKIBYK                                             /  USA

Weißbach Sports                           / GERMANY


Manufacturers of Skibobs

Our definition is that a Skibike is used without foot skis

vs. a Skibob which is ridden with them.

But for sure all riders are welcome at the EUSA!


Stalmach Skibobs

Brenter SnowbikesSledgehammer Skibikes


Manufacturers of other similar gear


3-Ski                                                / New Zealand

Snowscoot                                      / France

Sogo                                               / US/Germany







Please contact us if you are a manufacturer and want to be listed here.

Statuten EUSA Nov 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 73.7 KB
Why Allow SkiBiking At Your Ski Area -AS
Adobe Acrobat Document 302.5 KB

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European Skibike Association

Nordbahnstraße 36/2/4.2

1020 Vienna


ZVR: 949550232
